Turning Chaos into Calm
Turning Chaos into Calm
Camelot Coaching & Counselling
Health & Wellness Tips
Health & Wellness Tips
To relieve Stress - remember to BREATHE
B- Break - give yourself permission to take 5-10 minutes.
R- Relax - consciously relax anywhere you feel tense
E- Exhale - drop your breathing down to your belly
A- Action / Acceptance - shift into action, accept what is out of your control
T- Thoughts - stay in the moment, separate fact from assumption
H- Help - It's okay to ask. Create a support group. You are not alone.
E- Exercise - move the energy and clear your head. Go for a walk
Laughter is Life's Best Medicine
- lowers blood pressure
- boosts immune function
- protects against heart attack
- relieves stress
- dissolves tension
- gives a sense of well being